Graphique moderne, nouvelles fonctions,grande facilité d’utilisation. En Octobre 2021 le logiciel cloud PTM Management viendra mis à jour avec une version plus moderne qui comprend des nouvelles fonctions aussi. Travailler avec le Precision Feeding será encore plus facile. La refonte du PTM Management garantira la continuité d’utilisation avec la version précédente, mais il y aura aussi […]
Archives par catégorie: News
L’exposition Internationale Eurotier de Hannover, posticipée à cause Covid et donc programmée en version numérique, aura lieu du 9 au 12 Février 2021 sur une plateforme crée expressément. PTM participera au nouvel événement et présentera en avant-première des grandes nouveautés pour cette année 2021, qui, malgré la pandémie, s’annonce riche en technologie et innovation : […]
PTM informe toutes les personnes qui devraient accéder aux espaces d’entreprise, qui pour protéger la santé des ses travailleurs, collaborateurs, clients et fornisseurs, aelle a adopté les mesures de prévention sur le lieu de travail, en conformité au Protocôle de Sécurité du 14 Mars 2020 intégré le 24 Avril 2020 et au décret législatif nº […]
In the year that celebrates its 40th Anniversary, PTM participated in the Agritechnica fair in Hanover. The event confirmed itself as the best showcase in the world for agricultural machinery, with its 2,800 exhibitors from all over the world and with 450,000 visitors taking part in the week-long event. PTM previewed several innovations that will […]
From 29 April to 3 May 2019 PTM exhibited at the Agrishow fair in Brazil. The event confirmed itself as one of the three largest events concerning agricultural equipment and technologies worldwide, as evidenced by the numbers: 159.000 visitors, 800 exhibitors from 88 countries in an exhibition area of 520.000 square meters. PTM presented its […]
Sima is the biennial exhibition of agriculture held in Villepinte, next to Paris: this was its 78th edition, registering an absolute record of attendance, with 230.000 visitors and 1.770 exhibitors, a sign of the growing interest in innovation in agriculture not only by larger companies, but also by small and medium-sized enterprises. As in previous […]
PTM has successfully Participated in the 2018 edition of Eurotier fair, which was held in Hannover from 13 to 16 November 2018. EuroTier once again confirmed as the world’s leading trade fair for animal production, with over 2.500 exhibitors from 60 countries in the world, 260.000 sqaure meters of exhibition space and over 155.000 visitors […]
Project description, goals and results: the production model Lean: improving the production logistics system. Initiative Implemented under Axis I – Strengthening the research, development and innovation. Objective Investment for growth and employment. Action l.1.b.1.1 Support the purchase of services for entreprises technological, strategical, organizational and commercail innovation.
Beneficiary: PTM Srl Project description and purpose: with NU.VO.L.A. PTM SRL wants to offer to the breeding world a tool that can handle in real-time and automated mode the distribuction of the food ration (and all the activities related to it).The translation of the objective into relevants and real results has been possible thanks to the […]
PTM will take part to the first edition of the event “Nova Agriculture Corn Chain and precision zootechny” which will be held at Cascina Baroncina in Lodi on Thursday September the 27th 2018, from 09:00 to 17:00. The event is organized by Nova Agriculture in collaboration with the « Crea » of Lodi (Council for research in […]