Linea Twin

Dosing and weighing computers for silos

These weighing computers have been developed to control weight and dosing operations on silos.
They are supplied with interactive graphic interface, connectors with golden contacts, connector for optional devices, aluminium casing, protection against power supply inversions by means of auto-reset fuses. This series includes a range of 3 weighing indicators: SC1500 TOP, TWIN BASE and TWIN.

SC1500 TOP

The weighing computer SC1500 TOP can control the weight of a single silo, and activate an alarm in case the system exceeds the maximum limit or goes under the minimum limit (both limits can be set out from the keyboard). It can also control the following functions: programmation of dosing operations (loading/unloading), management of flying product quantity and time, visualization of the number of loads carried out, storage of daily and total accumulations of dosed material, control of relays for the electric engines.
The indicator SC1500 TOP is equipped with two inputs, of which the first is used to activate the dosage, while the second is used to set the weight to zero.


The weighing computer TWIN BASE can manage the weight of two silos at the same time, with settable limits of minimum and maximum weight; if the product amount is higher than the maximum limit or lower than the minimum limit, an alarm is activated.


The weighing computer TWIN can manage the weight of two silos at the same time, and control an alarm which is activated when the product amount is higher than the maximum limit or lower than the minimum limit in at least one of the two silos (both limits can be set out from the keyboard). It can also control the following functions: programmation of dosing operations (loading/unloading), management of flying product quantity and time, visualization of the number of loads carried out, storage of daily and total accumulations of dosed material, control of relays for the electric engines. The device TWIN is equipped with two inputs to activate dosage operations, as well as three outputs, of which two are used to activate the cochleas of the two silos, while the third is used to activate the alarm of minimum tank level.

Like all PTM scales, the SC1500 TOP-TWIN series is supplied with multilanguage system, warranty control and storage of date and time of possible overloads.

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